Does Hollister Take Apple Pay?

Last Updated on 01/31/2021 by GS Staff

Q: Does Hollister accept Apple Pay as a payment method?

Yes, Hollister accepts Apple Pay in-stores, online, and through the Hollister app. This was confirmed with the Hollister Co. customer service department. Read on for more details.

Hollister Stores & Apple Pay

You can use the Apple Maps App to verify if a Hollister store accepts Apple Pay. The app can be download in the Apple App Store if it is not already on your Apple device.

Simply pull up the Hollister you wish to visit by using Apple Maps. Once the store is pulled up, scroll to the “Useful to Know” section. Here you will see the Apple Pay logo and/or “✔ Accepts Apple Pay” if the Hollister accepts Apple Pay.

The image below from the Apple Maps app shows a Hollister store that accepts Apple Pay. You can determine that this Hollister accepts Apple Pay since Apple Maps shows the Apple Pay logo and states “✔ Accepts Apple Pay”.

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Hollister App & Apple Pay

Apple pay is also a payment option when using the Hollister app to purchase merchandise. Apple Pay will appear as a payment method if you have Apple Pay setup on your Apple mobile device. The image below from the Hollister app shows that Apple Pay is a payment option (see the red arrow). & Apple Pay

Apple Pay is also a payment option when using to make a purchase. To use Apple Pay on, you must use the Safari browser and have Apple Pay setup on the Apple device you are using to checkout.

Image Credit – Mike Mozart/flickr