Does Instacart Accept EBT?

Last Updated on 02/09/2021 by GS Staff

Q: Does Instacart take EBT/SNAP?

Yes, you can use your EBT card for online orders through Instacart. However, Instacart only permits EBT/SNAP to be used at participating Aldi stores.

Instacart announced in October 2020 that they were partnering with Aldi to offer SNAP/EBT for grocery delivery (see below). The Instacart/Aldi partnership has since rolled out to many locations.

You can reference this list from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, which outlines the states and retailers that currently accept SNAP online. You can use this list to determine if your state is participating in the SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot with Aldi as one of the approved retailers.

If you decide to use your SNAP benefits through Instacart, you will need to add your EBT card to your Instacart account. You must also associate a debit or credit card to the account to pay for items, fees, etc. that SNAP does not cover.

Look for Instacart and Aldi to expand their partnership involving SNAP/EBT in the future. Also, look for Instacart to develop new partnerships with other retailers.